I want to collect short English stories, created by a nice crowd of people,
especially from my friends in
Busuu.com but also from other people I know.
You could do translations into your mother tongue or into other languages
which you're learning.
You could post pictures which are relevant to the stories.
First of all I want us to improve our language skills and to enjoy.

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012

A further unforgettable experience    by G.


When I was 18 year old I had a day off work. I was cleaning the house when I noticed the ceiling in the hall on the first floor of the house was a little dusty. I could have taken a duster, put it on the end of a broom and dusted the ceiling but no. 
In our house we had a flight of stairs, at the top of which was a corridor (hall) which had doors from it leading to the bedrooms and bathroom.
I got a ladder out so that I could reach the ceiling, but I am frightened of heights and I don't like ladders. Then I had a good idea.
I climbed onto the bannisters in the top landing (this is the name of the floor which makes up the hall and then the stairs are at the side and the drop is equivalent to two floors of the house. I was standing on the bannister trying to reach the ceiling. (The trick here is 'Don't look down!').
I cleaned the ceiling then thought.... if I lean forward I will be able to clean the opposite wall. So I leant forward. It was 4 o' clock. (16.00) My dad came home from work at 6 o'clock (18.00) and found me standing on the bannister with my hands on the opposite wall.  He came in through the front door of the house, looked up the stairs and said
'What are you doing?' I looked down and said
'I was cleaning the ceiling and now I'm stuck.' Daddy came up the stairs, looking very worried saying
'Don't move'. He very carefully came onto the hall landing and grabbed me. He said 'Don't ever do that again.' as he lowered me to the floor. 
Happy days!
written by G., England

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