I want to collect short English stories, created by a nice crowd of people,
especially from my friends in
Busuu.com but also from other people I know.
You could do translations into your mother tongue or into other languages
which you're learning.
You could post pictures which are relevant to the stories.
First of all I want us to improve our language skills and to enjoy.

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012

It teaches me be tougher     by Ca.


I'm back here sooner than I expected, because something happened to me yesterday and I couldn't stop thinking about how much it looked like the kind of story we tell people. It's really short, but still an unusual episode that I would like to share with you. :)

My father raises chickens, so our backyard is full of them. As the little chickens start becoming roosters and "getting interested" in the hens, it all becomes a mess: they start stalking them making the others desperate. Yesterday, it was happening. When I heard the noise of a fight, I went there to check on them, and I tried to separate the chicken from the young rooster, but it hid away, so I went back inside.

Some time later, the noise started again, but I thought it was the same thing happening and I believed the chicken would be able to escape by herself, so I took a little longer to go and check. When I got there, the chicken was tangled in the fence and her neck all squashy and fallen. So I thought; "Oh no, God, I got here too late! She’s dead!"
I started crying. I cried, and cried and cried so much that the neighbours must surely have heard me and I was so shocked that I couldn't loosen her body. So I yelled for my mother, still crying, asking her to help me because I couldn’t touch the hen, it was too dramatic for me, I felt sad, guilty and weak.

When Mom finally got there and started untying the chicken, it started moving.
I guess needless to say the chicken wasn't dead after all. However, if it was, I'm sure it came back to life just to teach me be tougher! 
written by Ca., Brazil  / corrected by A., England

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