I want to collect short English stories, created by a nice crowd of people,
especially from my friends in
Busuu.com but also from other people I know.
You could do translations into your mother tongue or into other languages
which you're learning.
You could post pictures which are relevant to the stories.
First of all I want us to improve our language skills and to enjoy.

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012

An unforgettable few days.    by G.

Tuesday the 5th of June was just the beginning.
I ordered a new bed, because it was really cheap.
I ordered it on the Internet. The form I had to complete online, said 
'5 day delivery. Tick the box for delivery.'
I ticked  the 16th of June.
I was so proud of myself. I have never ordered something online like that before. I have ordered ebooks for my kindle which are delivered, via whispernet, (No, I don't understand that either!) as if by magic which just appear on my kindle.
Early Saturday the 9th of June. I took the old bed to the dump (recycling centre) having cut myself quite badly when I took it apart.  I came home and waited for my new bed to arrive. I cleaned the room in preparation for my brand new bedstead, (a bed frame on which you put your own mattress).
On Saturday 9th June the bed did not arrive.

On Sunday the 10th of June, I phoned to complain and as I complained bitterly about the shoddy service I had received from the company, the girl on the phone said.   
'It was the 9th of June yesterday. The 16th of June is next week.'' (she said it TWICE!!)
''I know'', I said.'' Can I come and live with you?'
I felt so stupid.
I had no bed! One of my dogs loved it. He had a great big dog basket in the bedroom for days. Another of my dogs was not amused. He thought someone has stolen the bed. I had to sleep on the mattress on the floor .It was like being a student again. Except, when I was a student, I had a bed. I never had to sleep on the floor.
On the 14th of June, the online shop phoned. They said that there was a problem with the delivery and they wouldn't be able deliver until the 21st June.
And NO, I couldn't go and live with them.

On the 15th of June I went into the bathroom and the floor was floating! There had been a water leak under the floor.
I phoned a plumber. He said he would come in the early morning of the 16th June. At 10pm (22.00) that night he phoned to say he couldn't come as his Central Heating boiler had exploded.
I had no bed, a flooded bathroom, water still leaking from the main water supply and no one who could fix anything.
On the 16th of June a friend came and repaired the leak for me.
On the 21st of June my new bed arrived.

On the 30th of June I had a gas leak. I had to wait for an emergency official from the gas supplier to come and fit a new gas meter, and then he said my gas cooker (hob) is dangerous.
I am never going to order anything on the Internet again. That action has caused me a lot of problems and great expense!
written by G., England

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